Our Services

We help you transform your finances so you can focus on things that are important to you.


Accounting & Business Services At Your Beck & Call

We recognise the importance of recording, analysis and verification of financial transactions as a means of livelihood. This is the definition of what we do.  However, why we do it and how it benefits you is far more important



Lodging accurate statements to Australian Tax Office will ensure you meet your obligations under the law to pay tax, which benefits you by keeping you free from legal problems related to tax.

Tax Planning

Recording and analysis of your business and personal financial position before the end of each financial year allows us to pre-plan and manage your tax obligations, so you benefit by keeping more of what you earn

Business Valuations

Ever wondered what your business is worth?  Why not find out with a formal valuation for your business?  Helps you to understand how your asset base is tracking and provides you with an excellent basis for negotiation in the event of a business sale.

Business Planning

Analysis of your business financial trends allows you to track and understand what you may do to optimize your business performance, so you can grow and succeed the way you always dreamed.

Business Succession Planning

We are all going to leave our business one day, even if we don’t think it will be for some time.  How prepared are you to exit your business with maximum cash flow and profits when you leave?

Take the FREE Quiz and find out how well prepared you are to capitalize the way you want when you leave either by choice or due to unexpected events.  You will receive a FREE customized report with loads of handy tips on how to prepare your business to maximize cash flow and profits whether you leave your business by choice or by unexpected circumstances.  For your FREE report go to   www.BusinessExitQuiz.com now.

Want to Know More?  Ask us to send you a FREE eBook –“Accounting & Tax for Small Business” click here to receive now, or call us on (03) 9584 5099.

Our Financial Planners Have You Covered

We offer a range of financial planning solutions, so you can plan your success. We will work with you to develop a comprehensive financial plan that will provide solutions and strategies to meet your personal and financial needs.


Financial Planning

So you can plan your success.

We understand it is emotional

And very close to your heart. You work hard for your money and it’s not easily replaced if it’s lost. Sometimes that causes you not to take action. But we know that doing nothing is just as dangerous as being reckless with your money.

Security with Objectivity

When emotions cloud your ability to act in your interests, we have the experience to provide the much needed objectivity with solid reasoning behind your decisions.  That means you can feel confident about the decisions you want to make and keep your focus on your prize, your dream, your success.

Financial Planning is not a one time event

And can seem complex over time causing you to be confused and lose direction.  We see our role to clarify, educate and project manage ongoing for your continued focus and comfort with simplicity.  That means you can relax knowing you are standing on solid foundations whilst building a pathway to a successful future.

Flexible Strategies to Cope with Change

Because change is inevitable, but can be to your advantage when you know how.  A lot of our time is spent on developing our knowledge to keep on top and ahead of change so you can always benefit from what we know.

Want to Know More?  Ask us to send you our –“Financial Services Guide” click here to receive now, or call us on (03) 9584 5099.

Self Managed Superannuation Fund Experts

Superannuation is a mechanism to deposit and hold funds for you to live on when you retire. In an ‘off-the-shelf’ superannuation fund, your savings are held in trust for you and invested until you draw upon them during your retirement.


Self Managed Superannuation Funds

Superannuation is a mechanism to deposit and hold funds for you to live on when you retire.

In an ‘off-the-shelf’ superannuation fund, your savings are held in trust for you and invested until you draw upon them during your retirement.

We’ve all started out with the ‘off-the-shelf’ superannuation funds, and we’ve all experienced those ‘hard-to-decipher’ fees, charges and investment returns.  It can be difficult to know if those superannuation funds are performing in your interests or not, and it feels like the money isn’t yours.

Control Your Future

When you tire of trying to work out what’s happening and feel ready to take back ownership with more control of your future, we can assist you to set up your own Self Managed Superannuation (SMSF).

Choice with Transparency

Having your own SMSF allows you to control all the decisions, make all your own choices (subject to the rules applied to superannuation) and see first hand what it costs and where the money is going, so there is no confusion and complete transparency always.  You can rest knowing the money is yours, and it’s working for you.

You Are Not Alone

Because we stand by to help you through and provide ongoing guidance.  When the superannuation rules change, we are there to demonstrate how to manage your money to your advantage, so you are never left alone trying to sort it out.

Make the Difference to Your Future Financial Security

The long term difference you can make to your retirement nest egg can be significant over time.  A saving of even a small fee saving of say  1 or 2 % each year over time, can add $$$$$ to your retirement nest egg.
For example:

Strategies, Not Just Returns

Because it’s never just about what you earn, it’s more about what you keep after tax that counts, and having a SMSF allows you the luxury of using the available strategies to your advantage, potentially adding significant value to your retirement nest-egg.

Want to Know More?  Ask us to send you a FREE eBook –“Thinking of Starting Your Own SMSF” click here to receive now, or call us on (03) 9584 5099.

How We Can Help You.


01 — We pride ourselves on ‘can do’ attitude

The JLR Partners team are always here to help you along your journey, taking the stress out of accounting and business services so you can be the best person possible.

02 — We focus on your needs

Whatever your circumstances maybe we help you get on top of your accounting and small business needs.

03 — It’s not what we do, but how we do it, that makes us stand out from the crowd.

We are real and genuine people that do what we say we will do, and you will get a strong sense of that from the onset.

04 — Feel confident in JLR Partners

We help you find your confidence and build trustworthily long lasting relationships with all our clients.

Every business owner should be able to enjoy the small things in life without worrying about their finances.

JLR Partners can help you to prioritise whats important to you.

Contact us.

Telephone: 03 9584 5099
Facsimile: 03 9584 6099

Suite 11, 296 Bay Road
Cheltenham, VIC, 3192, Australia.